Post Op Instructions


Numbness: Your mouth will be numb approximately two to four hours. Do not bite, scratch, or injure the cheek, lips, or tongue during this time. You can carefully drink little sips of water during this time but avoid eating. Please call our office if your numbness has persisted more than a day.

Temporary Crown/Bridge: After your first appointment for crown and bridge treatment, a temporary crown or bridge is usually placed on the tooth or teeth involved. The temporary crown protects while the custom crown is being produced. Temporary cement is used so that the crown can be easily removed at your next appointment. Please avoid hard and sticky foods on the side of the temporary teeth to avoid pulling them off. You can brush around your temporary teeth gently. You may not be able to floss if the temporary teeth are connected together but you can floss between the temporary and adjacent natural teeth. Pull out the floss to the side rather than up or down from the tooth.

If your temporary crown comes off before your next appointment, please call our office for further instructions.

Color and feel of temporary crown/Bridge: We try our best to make the temporary teeth as comfortable and esthetic for you as possible, however they may not feel as smooth as your natural teeth or permanent crown and the shape may not be as accurate. Your permanent crown or bridge will look and feel very close to your natural teeth.

Gum Soreness: Some gum soreness around the teeth is expected after crown and bridge preparation due to manipulation of these tissues during impression. If you need to, you can take over the counter pain medicines or use topical Orajel for temporary pain relief. You may also notice minor bleeding from the gums especially while brushing. However in most cases, the discomfort is minor and typically improves in 1-2 days. If persistent, please call our office immediately.


Congratulations on your new dentures. You should be excited about a better smile and function as you use your dentures. However please pay attention to these instructions:

New Appliance: If this is your first denture, your mouth may take a few days to get adjusted to the presence of an appliance. Your tongue and cheek tissues will get used to the presence of the dentures in your mouth.

Replacement Dentures: If you had dentures before and are getting them replaced, the new dentures may feel different fit, polish, shape and texture. It is impossible to make the dentures exactly similar to your other dentures.

Speech: Speech may be affected for a few days but as you wear your dentures, it returns to normal.

Denture soreness: As you adjust into your new denture, you may notice some areas of soreness. If soreness doesn’t resolve in 2 days, your denture may need adjustments. Most dentures will need 2-3 adjustments before fully comfortable. Please call our office if a sore sport has lasted more than 2 days.

 Bite adjustment: We will try our best to make sure your bite is even when you leave. However, occasionally the bite may need to be adjusted further. If you feel your bite is not even or it hurts to chew, call us immediately so we can schedule you for bite adjustment.

Denture Care: We have included a denture care packet with your new dentures. Please follow the instructions in the packet for your routine denture care. As a general rule, leave your dentures out at night unless instructed otherwise by your dentist.

Importance of Improved home dental care: For partial dentures, it is extremely important to maintain great home dental hygiene to avoid cavities on the teeth that support your partials. Food typically gets trapped under partials and can cause cavities on adjacent teeth. After every meal, remove your partials and rinse your mouth and denture. If possible, brush your teeth. At night, take your partials out and follow a meticulous home care routine to ensure no food residue remains on your teeth.