Post Op Instructions


Numbness: Your mouth will be numb approximately two to four hours. Do not bite, scratch, or injure the cheek, lips, or tongue during this time. You can carefully drink little sips of water during this time but avoid eating. Please call our office if your numbness has persisted more than a day.

Gum Soreness: Tenderness/Soreness in the gums where shots were injected or around the teeth that got fillings is expected and can last for a few days. You can take some over the counter pain medicine as needed. However in most cases, the soreness is mild. If your symptoms persist more than a week, please call us immediately.

Tooth pain/sensitivity: Occasionally teeth may become tender to chewing and sensitive to hot/cold after fillings especially if the cavity was fairly deep. In most cases, this is self limiting and improves within 3-4 days. If however your symptoms have not improved after a few days, please call us immediately. Teeth with deep cavities occasionally can become tender, even though they were not symptomatic before the filling and a root canal treatment may be needed if symptoms do not resolve.

Bite adjustment: We will try our best to make sure your bite is even when you leave. However occasionally the bite may need to be adjusted further. If you feel your bite is not even or it hurts to chew, call us immediately so we can schedule you for bite adjustment.  This is a common reason why teeth become tender after fillings.

Diet: You can eat on the side of the fillings once the anesthesia wears off. If you had fillings done on front teeth in a high stress area (edge of the front teeth), avoid biting into anything with firm consistency as this will increase the chance of filling failure. An occlusal guard is strongly recommended to improve the life of these fillings if you grind or clench your teeth.

Hygiene: Proper hygiene is critical for the longevity of fillings. Make sure to brush and floss as advised to prevent damage to these fillings.